
Showing posts from December, 2021

20th December 2021 - Abberton and Fingringhoe

 A pre-christmas trip was arranged by Andy, John, Jenny and Tim aiming for a late boost to year list totals. Abberton Reservoir was the first choice venue due to the large number of interesting species reported there recently and nearby Fingringhoe Wick provided the possibility of finding some new waders for John. First stop was at the Layer de la Haye causeway at Abberton where we saw goosander and goldeneye fairly close to the edge of the reservoir together with many resting pochard and tufted ducks. On the other side of the road there were mainly shovelers which were a little further out.                       Goosander                      Goldeneye Next we moved into the reserve through the visitor centre and proceeded to the Island and Bay hides where we were able to see some pintails, Bewick's swans and a great white egret next to a little egret which showed the striking difference in size between the two. There were also many fieldfares and a few redwings in the trees and o