
Showing posts from April, 2022

9th - 18th April: Cornwall birding

 Following the cancellation of our planned trip to Morocco, we decided to escape to Cornwall, a favourite location. On the way down we called into Exminster Marshes where a Spotted Crake had been reported close to the car park. We were helpfully advised where the bird had recently been seen and did not have to wait long for an unsatisfactory glimpse of the bird, or at least it’s distinctive buff-coloured tail! With a little more patience, and the help of some friendly locals, we managed further and better views of this ‘lifer’ before continuing on our way to Cornwall. Unfortunately it was too far away for photos. Easter was possibly not the best time of year to visit, being a little late for winter birds and a little early for summer visitors. There were a few rarities reported, notably Rose-coloured Starling and Woodchat Shrike, but we failed to catch up with these species, despite our best efforts. A Ferruginous Duck of suspect origin  was at Helston Lake, where it has apparently bee