
Showing posts from March, 2023

Thursday 16th March 2023: Morocco Day 1

We arrived in Marrakesh around lunchtime to warm sunshine. Despite scanning the airport surroundings there was no sign of House Bunting, and travelling through the city there were tantalising glimpses of birds which were mostly impossible to identify as we drove past. Feral Pigeons were plentiful and Wood Pigeon and Collared Dove were also seen. We stopped for a late lunch in the city before driving to our first accommodation in the Ourika Valley, arriving late afternoon. View from hotel We convened in the courtyard at 5.30pm and set off for a walk towards the river.  In the scrubby bushes and trees we found Blackcap and Common Bulbul. A Grey Wagtail darted up the river and Great Tit and Chaffinch sang from the canopy. Viewing was often tricky, with small leaves partially obscuring the birds, but eventually we had superb views of African Chaffinch, incredibly bright and clear markings compared to our own UK based bird. These have recently split as a completely separate species, whereas