
Showing posts from September, 2023

Tuesday 12th September 2023: Aquatic Warbler: a local twitch!

 We were first alerted to this rare find on Sunday 10th; it was discovered beside the river at Upper Beeding during a Wetland Bird survey Due to other commitments we were not able to get over that day, and it took us three attempts before we managed to really connect with the bird. As the first in the area since 1853 (!) and a nationally scarce visitor, it drew in the crowds and the viewing area from the river bank pathway was rather constraining for the large numbers present.  On our first  attempt,  after waiting patiently for some time with no sightings, a flurry of excitement swept through the good-natured crowd as a dog walker approached. The sea of birders parted amicably to allow a path through, and the throng waited in quiet expectation to see if this might flush the bird, whilst leaving everyone with a clear conscience that they had not pressurised the bird! This disturbance did not disappoint, and the bird was indeed flushed, but unfortunately the only views we  managed were