12 January: Reports from Dorset

A sunny day and wildlife was stirring in the bedrooms of Dorset with a gorgeous Peacock butterfly sunbathing by the window in Nicky’s house.

Despite concerns about global warming a quick check of the Butterfly Conservation website allayed fears with a list of first sightings for different butterfly species  over the last 10 years indicating that early January sightings  for the Peacock are in fact quite common - indeed often on the 1st January, although they have to be seen  actively 'on the wing’ outdoors to make it onto the official list.

Later in the day, a decidedly less active species was also photographed, with a request for some help with identification: 

No it is not a dead or deceased parrot, but an adult Gannet -  note the distinctive blue bill            peach-tinged head colouration, brilliant white plumage and black tipped wings. 

Here’s one in flight from our trip to Scotland last year - impressive birds, that positively glow on bright sunny days, so they are clearly visible even at great distances out to sea. They are equally impressive as they plummet down at great speed to catch fish below the surface.

Here is a video clip of a pair bonding at a gannetry at Troup Head in Scotland. We could smell the gannetry before we could see it!


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