25th January 2020: Mill Hill and River Adur

A wonderful 7 mile walk with Becky up to Mill Hill, past farmland habitat  and back along the river gave me 3 more annual bird ticks, well over 10,000 steps and a virtuous glow!

 In dull light it took us a while to identify Corn Buntings up on the downs, which were perched in the bushes before disappearing into the vegetation on the fields. We eventually had good comparative views with a rosy-chested Linnet, my first of the year, and also a Meadow Pipit which showed a slimmer body and obvious wingbars when it alighted alongside the buntings. This helped to highlight the chunky build and sturdy bills of the Corn Buntings and to eliminate any other likely suspects. Finally one flashed some pink legs at us and we decided overall the result was conclusive. It is so much easier when they are singing their 'jangly keys' tune! An optimistic Skylark ascended in the cold wind and briefly serenaded us with its spectacular song.

As we joined the slope down towards the river on the South Downs Way there was plenty of activity along the fence line, including a pair of Stonechats, together with good numbers of Reed Buntings, Meadow Pipits and gorgeous golden Yellowhammers, another annual first.

The river was very full so there was little opportunity for waders on the banks, although we did note a few Redshanks as we neared the town and the tide was beginning to drop. The hedgerows were busy in places, with Greenfinches and Goldfinches showing well. We saw a Song Thrush with some leucisitc (white) feathering, which Becky had noted in a similar spot on a previous walk. Finally, beyond the Old Tollbridge we took some time to study and discuss the differing features of Common and Herring gulls.


Unknown said…
A lovely read! Eloquent, informative and I interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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