31st January: Norfolk Day 1

We arrived at our first destination in Norfolk at 8.45, meeting Sue at Abbey Farm, Flitcham. As we got out of the car, a Mistle Thrush posed on top of  a telegraph  pole and was in full song. Our target birds were Brambling and Tree Sparrow. We found good numbers of Brambling in a large flock with Chaffinches, and we were able to note the differences in colours and markings. Sadly we were unable to locate any Tree Sparrows, a bird we have reliably found here in previous years. There were none at Dungeness either this year, although the reasons for the decline are unclear, as they are present on the continent. A Red-legged Partridge was in a field and en route to Thornham we also picked up Grey Partridge.

We traditionally begin our weekend at Thornham Harbour with an enjoyable walk along a creek to the Holme nature reserve. Immediately we were on to a small group of Twite feeding on the salt marsh adjacent to the footbridge, and amongst the waders on the mud Tim located a Spotted Redshank. It was very windy by the coast and we had great difficulty in holding the optics steady as we proceeded along the track. There were huge flocks of Pink-footed and Brent Geese and a murmuration of Golden Plover took to the skies. At the sand dunes we attempted a sea watch and found some Red breasted Mergansers. Sue thought she had an Eider duck but it was very difficult to pick anything out on the choppy water. Bar-tailed Godwit and Sanderling were the highlights on the beach.

From here we headed to Holme golf course and a walk towards Hunstanton beach which is normally reliable for a good variety of waders, but today we could not find a single bird! We ended the day at a secluded bird hide in Holme village (complete with cushions!) where we were entertained by a flock of Curlew feeding in the grass and Marsh Harriers dancing across the marsh behind.
Sue’s photo of a Twite, although Bill colour not obvious 


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