Friday 22nd May - Wrabness

I took my daily exercise in Wrabness today with target birds nightingale and turtle dove in mind.
I have found Wrabness to be the most reliable location for finding turtle doves in Essex and although you are more likely to see nightingales at Fingringhoe there are usually a few at Wrabness.

It took about ten minutes before I heard a nightingale singing from cover and I then patiently waited for it to reveal itself which happened after twenty minutes although within two seconds it had moved back into the thicket.

It was now time to look for turtle doves but again it was not easy as a couple of times I could hear the purring sound nearby but could not locate the bird.

As I was walking around the reserve I noticed that there were a large number of sand martins flying overhead and then as I walked along a path by the river I saw a sandy cliff which seemed to be where most activity was taking place.

As I approached I saw that there were numerous holes in the cliff and birds were constantly going in and out of them.  I set up my camera there and started taking lots of photos.

After I had had my fill of sand martins I went back to searching for turtle doves again and this time I managed to find two different birds out in the open and I was able to start clicking away again.

After three hours at the reserve I made my way to the car and headed back home arriving at 12.10 just in time for lunch.

A few pictures from today are shown below.


Jen Holter said…
So jealous! Not managed to see a Turtle Dove yet, despite checking our main local site several times. Great photos of the Sand Martins too. Well done you!

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