17th June 2020: Nightjar evening

We had previously gone looking for Nightjars at Pulborough Brooks a few weeks ago, and although we heard sustained charismatic churring, we failed to get good views of any birds. So we travelled to Lavington Common to meet with some friends for another attempt on Wednesday 17th June, meeting at 20.30 while it was still quite light.

We headed out on to the smaller heath and wandered along the track, finding a Tree Pipit calling in a pine tree and a Yellowhammer singing for his ‘bread and cheese’ supper behind us. A Dartford Warbler was heard, then located flitting in some small birch trees.

All seemed quiet, so we retraced out steps towards the car park. Suddenly a Woodcock called and took off from the low-lying heather to our left and flew across in front of us, revealing its long bill. A great view, unusually in decent light at around 21.30.

We crossed the road to ‘the Plantation’, where the growth is generally taller and a little less open, with more scattered pine trees. Immediately a Nightjar flew across the path a short distance in front of us, before disappearing from sight behind some shrubs. Soon  another bird churred loudly from a small copse nearby. Wing clapping was also heard, together with constant rhythmic churring from many directions, then finally we had brilliant views of a bird as it flapped across the open heath, before melting into the trees. A wonderful sight. A pair of Woodcock flew purposefully overhead, then later another single bird, making a total of four birds seen across the evening. We called it a day - or a night - at around 10.15.

Nightjar taken at Ashdown Forest on 6th June, Becky Parangi

This was probably the best Nightjar evening we have ever had, with the birds showing exceptionally well in better than average evening light. And after weeks of lockdown isolation, it was great to be able to share the joy with a select bubble of friends!


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