Monday 3rd August - Old Hall Marshes and Abberton Reservoir

Today I made a return visit to Old Hall Marshes after a disastrous day there on Thursday last week when I took a wrong turning on the 3 mile circular walk and didn't realise my mistake until I was about 4 or 5 miles away from the reserve and had to retrace my steps. It had been a very hot day and I was exhausted.
This time I successfully found my way around the circuit.. I arrived about 4 hours before high tide and to begin with there were only black headed gulls to be seen. About half way round there was still not much in the way of birds but I suddenly caught sight of a hare in the grass field next to a path with no public access.  I then watched through the gate as it moved onto the path and  started coming towards me.  After a few minutes it turned round and moved away only to return again a few minutes later.  I don't know whether it saw me or not but I was able to take quite a few photos of it before it finally entered the next door field once more and disappeared out of sight in the long grass.  
I soon reached what appears to be the best part of the reserve where new islands have been created for birds to roost on as the tide comes in. There were a large number of greylag geese and black tailed godwits already present but closer inspection revealed some ruff and also some spotted redshanks which was pleasing for me as I had missed the spotted redshank which others had seen on the recent trip to Oare Marshes on 24th July. 
I decided not to wait for the full high tide and so I completed the walk returning to the car park before moving on to Abberton Reservoir for a very quick visit as it is only 6 miles away from Old Hall Marshes.
When I arrived there was absolutely nothing visible on the eastern side of the Layer de la Haye causeway but there were a few birds on the western side including a great white egret which I saw catch and eat 4 fish in about 2 minutes without missing its target once.
There was nothing of note on either side of the Layer Breton causeway so I set off back home.
Spotted redshank and black tailed godwit
Spotted redshanks and black tailed godwit
Great white egret
Great white egret
Great white egret



Jen Holter said…
Fabulous photos again. Love the egret and fish, also the hares are great

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