Sunday 30th August - Blue House Farm and Hanningfield Reservoir

 Today I travelled over to Blue House Farm in Fambridge.

Unfortunately when I arrived I discovered that the hides were not open which was a disappointment, but there was still the possibility of a whinchat or wheatear which I have seen over there in the fields and on the wire fences at this time of year in the past.  Although I did not find any wheatears this time there were 3 whinchats present which meant the trip was not a complete waste of time.

After an hour or so I decided to move on to Hanningfield Reservoir which is about 12 miles away from Blue House Farm.  I was hoping to see some migrant waders there but the only waders I saw were common sandpipers, a black tailed godwit and a lapwing. However, someone I met told me that there was a garganey visible from the Rawl hide and sure enough when I got there it was still present, right in front of the hide at the edge of the water. 

So it was a successful morning after all, although I still need to find a wheatear in the next few weeks. 




Jen Holter said…
Plenty of Wheatear down our way...

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