24th August: Sue in Sussex Day 2

 Today we headed east to Seaford where we met up with Sue Miles in search of migrant birds. Our target bird was a Pied Flycatcher, and we managed brief views of one of these at Harry’s Bush area. In addition we had some excellent views of several Common Redstarts which were flitting around the lower branches and up and down from the ground in behaviour typical for this species.

From here we continued down the slope towards the Cuckmere meanders, where we found good numbers of Whinchat at close range and some bright Yellow Wagtails dancing around the cattle - two more ticks for Sue.

Walking up through Hope Gap we discovered a lovely Spotted Flycatcher which obligingly perched on the top of a bush for some time and behind us a Stoat paused on the path and stared, before disappearing into the undergrowth. Before returning home we stopped on the seafront at the base of Seaford Head, hoping for Kittiwakes, but unfortunately the colony was now empty, with birds presumable having already returned to the sea.


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