25th August: Sussex Birding Day 3

 The weather was not so good today with high winds and rain, so we stayed local, venturing out in a gap in the showers around lunchtime, at low tide. From Norfolk Bridge, there were good numbers of waders feeding on the muddy margins of the river, with Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Turnstones all busy. Moving on, we found some Lapwing hunkered down amongst the saltmarsh together with some Redshank. At the Flood Arch we found another two species for Sue, a Common Sandpiper and Whimbrel. Feeling somewhat battered by the winds, we retraced our steps towards home. As we crossed the bridge, I noticed some small, horizontal looking gulls resting on the mudflats. On checking through the telescope, these turned out to be Sandwich Terns, another new bird for Sue.


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