Sunday 6th September: 200 birds

 Today we walked the South West Coast Path from Lulworth Cove to Kimmeridge - a magnificent but gruelling stretch of coastline. We were rewarded for our efforts by the fortuitous appearance of a Pectoral Sandpiper on the beach at Kimmeridge yesterday evening, which astonishingly, given the number of people on the beach, was still present when we completed our walk late afternoon today. We chatted to a photographer who had been there since 8am, and he seems to have been responsible for actively keeping people and dogs away from the bird. 

The attached photo is of poor quality, but it was taken with just a mobile phone as we had no camera or scope with us. This gives an indication of how close this lovely little wader allowed us to get. 

This was the 200th species of bird we have seen this year, and a fitting bird for such a milestone. Considering the constraints of lockdown, we are very pleased with this result. Our total to beat from last year is 216, so we are a long way from achieving that!


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