Tuesday 13th October 2020 - Ampton and Cavenham Heath

 Today I made a trip to Suffolk with target birds tree sparrow and stone curlew.

I started by visiting the village of Ampton where I first saw tree sparrows in 2013 when there was a small flock living there. Since then I have usually found my annual tree sparrows in Dungeness but last year I could not find any when I visited Dungeness, so I went back to Ampton where I managed to find just one tree sparrow.  Today I again was able to find just one tree sparrow at Ampton so I wonder how big the population actually is there and if I will be able to find one there next year.

Next I made my way to Cavenham Heath where I expected I might be too late to see any stone curlews as they may have already started on their autumn migration. I spoke to a woman walking a dog who told me that there had been 60 there at the end of September but she thought they had now left.  She told me where they had been seen and I went off to scan the specified field but could see no sign of them.

I eventually gave up and made my way back to the car but on the way I noticed a group of seven brown birds in a nearby field which upon closer look turned out to be stone curlews.  I managed to get a few photos before they all flew off to a more distant area of the field.

It was a pity I had not arranged to go there with Tim and Jenny in September as I believe they have not seen stone curlews this year. This site at Cavenham Heath is not as far away as Minsmere where we have seen stone curlews in previous years so it would definitely be worth a visit in September next year. 



Unknown said…
Hi Andy,

Sounds like a great trip! I've just booked two nights near Minsmere for Sunday-Tues and am going the stone curlews will be there still. Hoping to visit Titchwell too. Hope you are well.

Jen Holter said…
Very jealous! Brilliant sightings

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