3rd January: Shoreham Birding

 Keeping it local once again, we set out around 9am in the direction of Shoreham Beach. Pausing at Town Quay to look over the river, we were pleased to find the Greenshank we had missed two days ago, feeding in a pool at low tide. 

Arriving at the beach, it was immediately apparent that there were again huge numbers of Gannets feeding and diving offshore, this time at a much closer range, so that they could be seen even without binoculars. Their brilliant white colour contrasting with ink black wingtips looked magnificent as they turned in the light, and plunged rapidly downwards, with a silver splash into the sea. There were literally hundreds spread in groups along the front making quite a spectacle. 

Also we could see good numbers of auks tracking close to the water’s surface in small groups. Some settled on the sea, and through the scopes we could see these were Razorbills, with their blunt heads and over-sized bills. Later in the day hundreds were reported as present. A single Red-throated diver flew east.

Although a tremendous spectacle, it was bitterly cold, so we eventually continued to Shoreham Fort and the sailing club, where a Black Redstart had been reported yesterday. Tim immediately located this on the path and we spent several minutes observing it exploring the area.

A little further along the river, we spotted a single Common Gull, our fourth bird of the day, bringing our total for the year to 70.

Black Redstart

Common Gull


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