4th January 2021: River Adur

 A dreary and drizzly day, scheduled to be indoors,  but we were lured out by the prospect of a reported Caspian Gull on the mudflats near the old Tollbridge. We had just made a cup of tea and were dismantling the Christmas tree when the call came through, so by the time we arrived there was sadly no sign of the bird - or the experts who may have helped us identify it!

However, I was finally able to spot a Little Egret, spearing for fish in a tidal pool, and downstream there were three dumpy Grey Plovers on the water’s edge and a lone Brent Goose, quite an unusual sighting locally, although they are common elsewhere,  notably around the Chichester area. So three compensatory ticks to make up for missing the target bird, bringing my tally to date to 73. On the way home the resident Kingfisher brightened the day with an appearance beneath the railway bridge.

Brent Goose



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