7th January 2021: Low tide count

 Each month during winter Tim completes a Webs count (wetland bird survey). He also does a low tide count. The high tide counts are suspended during lockdown as it involves standing at a particular public location peering through the scope for a couple of hours, which is not in line with current guidance. The low tide count covers a slightly different area and involves a walk around the river and nature reserve. As a concession we left the scopes at home and completed the survey via our daily exercise from home.

Birds seen were:

18 Oystercatcher

50 Redshank

1 Greenshank

40 Teal

1 Curlew (new ✔️)

1 Kingfisher

30 Turnstone

1 Brent Goose

28 Ringed Plover

4 Grey Plover

4 Little Egret

70 Lapwing

Annual tally now at 77.


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