Friday 2nd April: Henfield

 We met with Nicola at Woods Mill for a socially distanced walk along the mill stream to the downs link path. We were pleased to find a small group of Swallows swooping over the marshy pool and to note three Lapwings displaying over the field where they nested last year. Fingers crossed for another successful brood.

At Stretham Bridge we turned onto a path we have not walked before, where we were delighted to encounter a small flock of four newly arrived Garganey which had been reported the previous day. They were foraging in the vegetation at the back of the pool and could easily have been overlooked. The habitat is not really suitable for breeding, so it was good to see them replenishing their energy as they pass through on their journey.

On our return, we had a fleeting glimpse of our first Great Egret of the year, with golden bill,  before it frustratingly disappeared from view behind the local Heronry.


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