The one that got away...

 We are planning a trip to Dartmoor in May and I have been monitoring the sightings of a Northern Mockingbird which has been present at Exmouth since late January, optimistically hoping it might hang around till our visit. This is only the third British record of the species, with previous individuals seen in the 1980s, over 30 years ago. 

This is a common American species that frequents gardens, parks and areas with open ground and shrubs. It feeds mainly on berries in winter and insects in summer and will often pose helpfully on top of bushes or fences.

This week I have been in Derbyshire bubbling with Kate and the children, and the bird decided to leave... and relocate in Pulborough, back in Sussex around 30 minutes from home!!!!!! 

Tim was not with me, so dropped everything to go and view the bird, a first for Sussex. These pictures show the white wing markings and long tail.

Clearly I am gutted to have missed this one! There is a possibility that is still somewhere in the area - there was a possible sighting yesterday - but there have been an awful lot of people looking. On the other hand, it could be lurking unobtrusively in someone’s garden still. It will be interesting to see if it turns up anywhere else, maybe in Kent or on the continent. 


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