Saturday 22nd May: Dorset birding

 With the lockdown restrictions eased to allow overnight stays with others, we were off! Despite the unpromising weather forecast, we managed a lovely day out with Sue and Keith visiting two new locations. 

We started at Garston Wood, a peaceful RSPB reserve, full of birdsong and the fresh green growth of Spring, with a superb layer of woodland flowers, just past their best, but the aroma of wild garlic filled the air, mingled with a few patches of bluebell and a smattering of purple orchids.  There were plenty of woodland birds around, including an abundance of singing Blackcaps and Chiffchaff, but the highlight migrant species was Spotted Flycatcher, with 3 birds seen in two different patches of the woodland. Sue and I had great views of a Bullfinch too and a Nuthatch and Song Thrush also joined the ensemble. Many birds were looking a little bedraggled from the efforts of parenting, and many had beaks stuffed full of food or nesting materials. It was a relaxed and pleasant place in which to stroll and soak up the atmosphere.

Spotted Flycatcher (not taken today, Sue Miles)

After a spot of lunch we continued to Martin Down, a nature reserve situated at the borders of Dorset, Wiltshire and Hampshire. This was chalk grassland with scrub, abutted by agricultural fields, with lots of children and a strong wing making it a contrast with the previous setting! Skylarks were everywhere, soaring, hovering, on the pathways, perched in low-lying bushes, all singing their hearts out. Glorious! Sue was thrilled when a Wheatear popped into view, posing helpfully on a shrub before flashing its white rump as it disappeared up the path. A satisfying new tick for her! I heard a Corn Bunting singing in the distance, and this was easily located at the top of another piece of scrub. On the fence line a stunning Yellowhammer and flitting Linnet completed the farmland medley. A very enjoyable day at pastures new...and as a bonus, we managed to avoid the rain!


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