Tuesday 25th May: Dart Valley

 The morning was cloudy but dry and we eventually managed to tear ourselves away form the entertainment at the feeders to  drive to nearby Newbridge for a walk along the river valley, hoping for Dippers. Sadly we failed on that front, but it was a beautiful setting and we enjoyed some other sightings of interest. Sue was pleased to catch-up with her first Green Woodpecker of the year, heard calling, then Andy spotted its red head as it fed in the long grass at the back of a meadow. A Song Thrush regaled us with his rich and varied ensemble of notes and in a clearing of young trees we found both Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff. On the river we encountered several Grey Wagtail sallying forth from mossy rocks to feed on the many insects hovering over the fast-flowing water before returning to their preferred launch stone for a spot of tail bobbing before repeating the process.

A pair of Buzzards circled high above the valley and a party of four Swifts swerved and dipped over our heads for several minutes. The star bird of the day however, was a graceful female Goosander, swimming and playing  in the calmer edges of the clear water. Downstream, we encountered a juvenile,  not a tiny duckling, but still looking very endearing with downy feathers and pretty facial markings.

Unfortunately rain again stopped play, and even birding by car proved unsatisfactory as the light was so poor and the rain very heavy. We decided we’d see more birds at our accommodation so returned home for a spot of afternoon tea, photography and puzzling!

Goosander (juvenile)


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