Tuesday 29th June: Holy Island

 A less ‘birdy’ day today, as we crossed the causeway to Holy Island, an iconic location of Northumberland. With Sue’s previous experience, we arrived nearly 45 minutes earlier than the recommended crossing time and were able to get across to the island ahead of the main rush.

 This worked. very well, as we were able to visit the church and wander the area around the priory and experience the deep sense of peace and tranquility from this special place without disturbance. Here was a sense of the distractions of the world being stripped away and resting into the awe and wonder of God’s presence and creation. 

We sat awhile overlooking the sea towards the Lindisfarne coastline. A line of black stones caught my eye,  but looking through the binoculars it soon became apparent this was actually a line of hundreds of seals. Later, form the mainland, we were able to hear their haunting calls echoing around the bay. A shoal of Goosander drifted past, around 20 birds, followed by the now common sight of a group of Eiders bobbing offshore. At the fishing harbour some newly fledged Swallows perched on the lobster pots, calling for some nibbles from mum. 

We passed some rough meadowland and damp marsh enclosed by stone walls, which are areas renowned for attracting bird rarities in the autumn or spring. Today there were no such birds, but we enjoyed the wild beauty of the walk. Passing the many cairns created by visitors, we turned inland towards the Lough, eating lunch in the bird hide while watching a family of Reed Warblers toing  and froing.

Scenes from Holy Island

We left the island around 3pm, keen to be home before the England game early evening. We called in briefly at a nature spot familiar with Sue, at Fenton, overlooking the mudflats. Tim picked out a single Whimbrel amongst the many Curlew and a Yellowhammer sang from a nearly bush. We were also very pleased to spot a Grey Partridge running along the grassy path before disappearing into the cornfield, so a positive end to another interesting day.


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