Friday 10th September: Pagham Harbour, North Wall

 It was good to get out birding again after a busy few weeks. It is a long time since we have parked at North Wall, as we now tend to visit Church Norton and Ferry Pool then relocate to nearby Halsey’s Farm and walk across the fields to the back of North Wall. I had forgotten how windy it is there!

The tide was high and there was a lot of water in Breech Pool, so not much to be seen there. A fair number of godwits and Curlew were feeding in the adjacent fields. We continued on towards Owl Copse, and after a long wait managed to see the juvenile Red-backed Shrike, a rather attractive bird, despite its gory habit of impaling prey on to spikes to create a larder.

Red-backed Shrike

While we waited there were frequent movements of Cattle Egret which have obviously had another successful breeding season.

Cattle Egret


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