11th- 12th October: Cornwall Part 2

 We started our next day at Pendeen planning a quick seawatch, but conditions were poor and the advice on our arrival was ‘Don’t bother’!  Nevertheless we managed to spot a Razorbill passing through at close range, and on our return to the car were thrilled to observe a Merlin acrobatically twisting and turning in hot pursuit of a Meadow Pipit. 

So we continued west and headed for the attractive Cot Valley hoping to find some smaller birds sheltering in the bushes and feeding on insects. This was hard work, and there was little evidence of an influx of Warblers, but we managed to locate some regulars such as Wren, Goldcrest and the usual Tits.

Next we drove to Sennen, for the popular walk across the cliffs to Lands End. The Choughs here were very obliging appearing completely unfazed by the presence of people, allowing stunning views and frequently drawing attention to themselves with their distinctive call and aerobatic flights.


We explored the area around Lands End, finding a flock of Linnets and several Pied Wagtails resting on the rooftops. We relaxed on a rock in the sunshine, looking out to sea, where a highlight was a shoal of Blue-fin tuna breaching the water close to the shore, something we have not seen before.

Blue-fin Tuna

The next day was another familiar and favourite walk, from Kynance Cove, to the Lizard, continuing round to Church Cove. Choughs were again the highlight of this walk, but as always the scenery stole the show…

Kynance Cove

On our way home we stopped at Helston Pool, a town centre pond for some more dull holiday ticks - Tufted Duck, Moorhen, Coot and Mute Swan!


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