Saturday 22nd January 2022 - A visit to 4 locations

 With Jenny and Tim visiting Essex we decided to try to obtain a few more year ticks based on recent reported local sightings.  We began the day at Lea Valley arriving at about 8.45 with main target bird of smew as both drake and redhead had been seen there lately.  The other possibility was bittern which visits there in winter but it is always a lottery as to whether it can be found.  It did not take long before Tim spotted a redhead smew on the far side of one of the lakes and we walked round to the other side to get closer views.

We then walked further attempting to find the drake but after a while we gave up as we were having no luck and went to the bittern hide which only opens at 10 o'clock.  The hide had been renovated since my last visit and was quite impressive but unfortunately it was not the right time or place to see the bittern today and so we decided to move on to our second location which was Marsh Farm in South Woodham Ferrers. The target bird here was a red breasted goose which would be life ticks for all three of us if we could find it.  Jenny checked bird guides for the exact location of the last reported sighting which was earlier that morning and we set off  walking east along the path by the river Crouch.  After about half a mile we spotted a field with a large number of Brent geese feeding and there amongst them was the red breasted goose.  Conveniently it was situated towards the nearest edge of the flock and we were able to take photos from a distance. It was a beautiful bird with such bright markings.   

We returned to the car park to eat our lunch before setting off to Great Totham where a resident little owl is regularly reported on "the usual perch in Church Road" . Unfortunately when we saw it last year it was not on the usual perch according to a local woman so we still didn't know exactly where the usual perch is. Consequently we could not find it either where it was last year or in the general area which the woman had described to us and we had to admit defeat and set off for our final stop of the day at Abberton Reservoir.  Target bird here was scaup which I had not located on my last visit but this time we were lucky and managed to find it fairly quickly.

We returned home after a good day's birding and although I have concentrated on our target birds in this report, Jenny totted up all the species seen throughout the day which actually came to a total of 60.  


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