Sunday 20th March: Desert Wheatear

 We had spent the morning at Pulborough, enjoying the warmer weather and were about to settle down at home for a nice cup of tea when news came through of a Desert Wheatear at Goring Gap. Despite feeling a little tired, this was an opportunity not to be missed. Wheatears don’t tend to hang around for long on their Spring migration and it was unlikely to linger till the next day, so we dragged ourselves and headed over to the beach.

The bird was easy to find due to the small band of photographers, and although a little mobile, it stayed at a relatively close range and we had some incredible views. This was a lifer for me. We had hoped to be on a birdwatching tour in Morocco in late March, so it was rather lovely to have this beautiful bird come to us as we were unable to go to him!

Desert Wheatear


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