Friday 25th March: Goshawk hunting

 We were taken out to the Crawley area today by an SDOS member who has relocated to Shoreham. We begun in some rather attractive woodland searching for Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Drumming was heard several times, but the length was indicative of Great rather than Lesser Spotted. Even more frustrating was a report later on that birds had been seen in the same location the previous day.

Undeterred we set off to search for Goshawks, and this time we came up trumps. Birds were seen at every location we stopped at, with some stunning overhead views. A Sparrowhawk sharing the skies with a Goshawk at one site allowed for a useful comparison of the size and flight of these two species. A Woodlark posing obligingly on the fence was another highlight of the day… and a new tick for Sue M.

A few record shots are shown below.





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