Monday 2nd May - Rye Meads

 I visited Rye Meads RSPB reserve with my friend Virginia hoping to see kingfishers as they usually nest there each year.

When we arrived at Kingfisher hide it was quite full of people all waiting for views but there was room for a couple more so we made our way to the end seats and joined the wait. Within 5 minutes a kingfisher arrived and landed on one of the conveniently placed perches in front of the hide. It then proceeded to dive several times returning to the same perch but without catching any fish before it flew off out of sight. In the time it was visible I managed to get a few photos.

Further round the trail I heard what sounded like a possible garden warbler and after a short while I was able to locate the source of the song which allowed me to confirm my original identification.
Luckily it managed to show itself long enough for me to get a few pictures.

Other birds of note seen were a sedge warbler, reed bunting and a distant hobby sitting on a gate post.


Unknown said…
Nice pics, Andy. I got my own garden warbler recently. Was not super confident but played back the Collins app song, which was identical to what I'd heard and,coupled with the appearance, I was satisfied I could give myself the tick.

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