19th August 2022: Stork Spectacular

 Shoreham was thrilled to have some rather special visitors today, which were seen by many locals and caused quite a stir as they circled around the town and over the river throughout the day.

The White Stork Project is based at the Knepp estate near Horsham and a reintroduction programme has been ongoing for some years now. This is quite controversial, with some conservationists arguing the birds were never resident in the UK and that there are other species, such as Turtle Dove, that should be supported to thrive rather than introducing species. (It has to be said that Knepp is also a stronghold of Turtle Doves and Nightingales, both species in sharp decline). Last week saw 37 birds, mostly bred at Cotswold Water Park, released as part of this scheme.

Whatever the merits or otherwise of the project, they are certainly magnificent birds to see and we spent several hours by the river this morning enjoying a fabulous display.

The birds initially landed on the airport field but were quickly chased off by three vehicles with horns blaring and jets of water to drive them away. Although perhaps understandable as they could be a danger to aircraft,  it was nevertheless not pleasant to watch them being hounded around the field in this way.

Unable to rest here they flew and landed in a line on the railway bridge. This was fine in the short term, until a train disturbed them and unfortunately one was hit and killed, dropping into the river below. Apparently only a third of young storks survive beyond their first year.

White Storks on the railway bridge

For some time after this the birds circled en masse over the river and town centre, at one point flying directly over our heads, resting on the tops of the riverside buildings before settling on the salt marsh at the river edge., where they were finally able to rest without disturbance until we left for home. It was certainly a memorable experience. 


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