15th March 2023: Little Ringed Plover at Widewater

 We had set today aside for packing and getting ready for our trip to Morocco tomorrow, but a report of a Little Ringed Plover at Widewater proved too difficult to resist. Due to time constraints we drove across, then walked along the path beside the beach huts to reach the mud and shingle area where any waders are generally found. It took us a while to locate the bird, and in fact we had completed an initial sweep without success and were on our way back when we spotted it right at the water’s edge. This species is not easily seen within the local area as we lack suitable habitat, so it was very satisfying to have this visitor pause at the lagoon. 

In the end our quick visit became somewhat extended as we met a number of SDOS colleagues with the same idea and we ended up chatting to each one. Richard managed to spot a Firecrest in the Ivy and Chiffchaff were also here, both good birds for the site, but with empty suitcases beckoning we felt unable to linger any longer. Nevertheless it had been a rewarding and sociable diversion.

Little Ringed Plover


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