Wednesday 7th June: Last day on the Delta

Today was our last day on the boat before transferring to a hotel in Tulcea ready for a couple of days of land based birding. As usual, pre-breakfast birding - was excellent, with Whiskered and Black Terns, Reed Bunting, a family of Mute Swans, both species of Pelican, Marsh Harrier, Squacco and Purple Herons all active around the boat. Overhead, a flock of Glossy Ibis and three night herons passed across. But the highlight of the morning was I finally heard a Bittern booming! I have never heard one before, and everyone else had been hearing them all week,  but it’s a pitch that I struggle with due to tinnitus, so I was thrilled to finally enjoy this iconic sound.

White Pelican

Our final small boat trip offered the usual tranquil ride and familiar array of birds. Four ‘fudge’ ducks, as Ferruginous Ducks are colloquially known showed very well, as did four Red-necked Grebes. One productive pool with large patches of lily beds contained vast numbers of Whiskered Terns plus some Black-headed Gulls, both remarkabley well-camouflaged amongst the vegetation. Even after three days traversing the delta, we still managed to find some new species, with our first Little Grebe and Black-necked Grebes plus many Great-crested Grebes,  all in stunning plumage in the sunshine.

Ferruginous Ducks

Red-necked Grebes

Whiskered Tern
Black-necked Grebe

A  Grey-headed Woodpecker flew over water and clung to an overhanging  branch clothed with yellow lichen. Pinging Bearded Tits danced across  the reed tops. And a Penduline Tit was calling from the willows, by now a delightfully familiar sound ! A Little Bittern flew in front of the boat and this time everyone got good views, compensation for those who had failed to get onto it the other day.

Finally it was time to return to the main boat for a long journey down the industrial channel to the harbour at Tulcea. Here the bird life diminished as we travelled at speed down the wide canal, although I did manage to spot a Kingfisher perched on a low overhanging branch from the cabin window.


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