Friday 15th November 2023: last day at Itororo Lodge

 It was our last morning in Brazil, and we spent the morning birding at the lodge grounds, and astonishingly we continued to add new species to our tally. A Green-backed Becard showed really well just above the decked area and other star birds around the feeders and garden included the Blonde-crested Woodpecker which had appeared briefly earlier in the week.

After breakfast, we were guided once more along the trails, finding a Swallow Tanager. Tim lingered at the back, and was rewarded with the elusive Magpie Tanager, which we had failed to find all week, despite being told it was a regular at the feeders. On a side trail we added Drab-breasted Bamboo-Tyrant and White-collared Foliage Gleaner, which some of the group had missed previously. A Grey-bellied Spinetail was another addition to the trip. I had difficulty in seeing a White-necked Thrush in a gloomy bush to the despair of our guide, who could not believe I couldn’t see it. Fortunately it changed position, and with the light behind it I was finally able to tick the bird! A Glittering -throated Emerald was a last hurrah, before returning to the terrace to say our goodbyes and depart for the airport. 

It had been an incredible ten days, with over 250 species seen, many of them new species for my world tally. The lodge was a superb setting and provided a great location for our excursions to different habitats around the forest, giving lots of fantastic memories of a truly memorable trip.

Magpie Tanager

White-necked Thrush

Grey-bellied Spinetail (Ashley Saunders)


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