Monday 13th November 2023: Macae de Cima

 A much slower birding day today, walking along a dirt track through the rainforest towards Macae de Cima, at mid altitude. As we alighted from the bus, a pale-vented Pigeon flew over, and Grey Swifts circled above the valley. We had some excellent views of Bare-throated Bellbird, with a bird in the scope revealing its open, turquoise throat as it sang. A Blue Dacnis and Rufous-capped Spinetail were spotted in the bushes, and we had a very poor view of an Amethyst Woodstar. A Yellow-olive Flatbill was decidedly underwhelming.

Bare-throated Bellbird

Things picked up at our next stop, where we scrambled down a steep bank to find a singing Chestnut-headed Tanager, a striking bird, and in the same bush, a brief appearance from a Variable Antshrike.

Chestnut-headed Tanager

Further along the road we encountered a mixed flock, and in a flurry of activity, we had some decent views of a male Pin tailed Manakin and female Blue Manakin, together with tiny Streaked Xenops, Buff-fronted Foliage Gleaner, Streak-capped Antwren and  Sharp-billed Treehunter, amongst others.

After a stop at a stall for coffee, we continued along the track and encountered a lovely Golden-crowned Warbler, showing really well close to the track. Above it, a colourful Hooded Berryeater suddenly appeared,  yellow underparts contrasting with a black hood. Next up we found a Yellow Tyrannulet, flitting through the leaves in front of us and trickier to spot, a  White-bearded Antshrike, which snaked up a tangle of vines and Spotted Bamboowren, skulking in the foliage.

Golden-crowned Warbler

Hooded Berryeater (Ashley Saunders)

After lunch, we transferred to another site where we found White-throated Spadebill, Rufous-breasted Leaftosser and a Rufous-capped Antshrike. Despite our best efforts, we failed to find the hoped for Saffron Toucanet, and as rain was starting to set in, with some accompanying bursts of thunder, we returned to the bus and headed for home.


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