Friday 26th January 2024: Homeward bound…

 Our last day in Norfolk, Tim and I visited Titchwell once again in search of a Water Pipit. This was quickly found at close range, but had moved some distance by the time Tim got his camera out. We waited for some time, getting several distant sightings, but it was camera shy, and never returned to the original spot. A handful of  Snipe however were more obliging.


Our next stop was Thornham, where we walked from the harbour to Holme reserve. There were no new new ticks here, but it is a favourite walk and did not disappoint, with several groups of Golden Plover passing just over our heads. Scanning the fields, we could see huge numbers of Pink-footed Geese and a large array of Golden Plover huddled together on the ground. On our return leg, we watched in wonder as wave after straggly wave of skeins of geese, flew noisily across to join the ever increasing throng. A magnificent sight.

Pink-footed Geese

Our final stop was back at Snettisham, taking a short walk past the chalets to the beach, then along the sea wall where we found a birder pointing his camera at some small birds. Snow Buntings, our target bird and the last of our Norfolk specialities on the list. Satisfied with our efforts, we finally departed for home.

Snow Bunting


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