Sunday 7th January 2024: Lancing

 This morning we were joint leaders of a Shoreham District Ornithological Society event with the World of Widewater team. The event had been advertised on Facebook and around forty people turned up, some Sdos members, some local residents and others interested public. This event is always popular and it’s always a bit nerve-wracking at to whether any birds of interest will arrive. 

Today’s bird life was somewhat limited, with gulls, Little Grebes, a few Redshank and large numbers of Swans noted. Someone spotted a Moorhen, which I wasn’t able to find as it had disappeared into a bush. A female Stonechat showed well several times and was perhaps the highlight of the walk. Despite the lack of birds, it was a lovely sunny morning and most who attended enjoyed the event, with some likely to join Sdos, hopefully making our efforts worthwhile. On my walk home I spotted the resident Greenshank feeding in the channel by the houseboats.

Little Grebe

In the afternoon we set out to Lancing Ring for a walk with Nicola. It was bitterly cold in the wind, with the sun now gone but very pleasant views. A flock of Linnets bounced across the fields and some Reed Buntings alighted on the fence. A couple of Meadow Pipits rested atop a small shrub, their pink legs showing very well. As we walked, I noted a Buzzard sat in the field, all new species for the year. The sun was setting as we walked back to the car, the fields bathed in orange light reflecting across the valley, our hearts revived and restored by the wonders of nature.


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