Wednesday 31st January: Post flight birding

 We landed in Bulgaria mid afternoon and headed straight towards the Black Sea coast, with a couple of birding opportunities before arriving at our hotel. We first stopped at Balchik cliffs where we scanned unsuccessfully for Eagle Owl, before arriving at a river valley where in fading light we watched a flock of Corn Buntings circle across, then land in the reedbed, and a lovely male Hen Harrier drift nonchalantly across the top of the sandstone cliff, looking rather golden in the evening light. As dusk fell, several Woodcock whirred past, wings beating furiously. 

Aside from the birds, we were surprised to find a Badger rootling around the front of a cave high on the cliff face, giving great views in the scope. And, finally, as the light disappeared, the eerie howling of Golden Jackals echoed across the valley, our cue to leave and move on to our hotel for dinner.


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