Local Birding

 We’ve had a number of local walks since returning from Bulgaria, managing to add a few new species to the annual tally.

12th February: A stroll along the boardwalk on the beach down to Shoreham Harbour, was rewarded with a sighting of a Purple Sandpiper at last! Not the greatest of views and no camera, but we have had several unsuccessful attempts so pleased to finally nail it! A few Turnstones were also about and one of the young fisherman on the harbour arm was removing a dogfish from his hook.


19th February: We visited Cuckmere Haven, dropping down through Hope Gap which was bereft of birds.   Fulmars were seen near the Coastguard Cottages. The path beside the river was extremely muddy, and we were unable to spot the Long-billed Dowitcher. There were a few waders and wildfowl along the river but nothing of note. Heading up the slope towards Harry’sBush we could hear Skylark singing, and scanning from here with the scopes Tim managed to spot the Dowitcher, very distant, wading through a gap in the hedgerow, we were able to make out the supercilium. 

A short drive down to Splashpoint and despite the recent cliff fall, we were able to locate some Kittiwakes attempting to nest and others on the water and groynes.


23rd February: we took a gentle stroll around Brooklands, finding the long staying female Goldeneye as well as a Little Grebe developing a lovely breeding plumage, but he was reluctant to pose for photos, remaining at a distance.

Goldeneye (f)

Crossing to the beach, we found over ninety Dunlin and six Ringed Plover huddled on the shingle at high tide, not easy to spot with their camouflaged plumage colours.


25th February: A walk to Steepdown in search of Corn Buntings resulted in an annual tick, with a bird perched on a bush singing. Other birds of note in windy conditions were Reed Bunting and Linnet. 

Reed Bunting (f)


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