Saturday 3rd February 2024: Bulgaria: Kaliakra Castle and headland

 This morning we drove to the headland, pausing at the Balcik cliffs where Dimitri found us an eagle owl, ear tufts showing against the sandy cliff as it sheltered amongst the roots of a stunted tree. 

Eagle Owl

Moving on to the Kaliakra headland, despite the bright sunshine, it was bitterly cold in the wind as we scanned the sea below. Several Black-necked Grebes glistened in the sunlight, bright white bellies contrasting with black backs as they bobbed amongst the waves. A group of Shags hugged close where the sheer cliffs met the green sea, and a distant Black-throated Diver ducked and dived in the waves. After a stroll around the headland, we drove towards the beach, noting a ringtail Harrier and singing Woodlark on our way. Here Bernie spotted a Black Redstart, flitting and tail-flicking around the scrub. A Shag posed sunning itself on a rock beyond the harbour wall and Tim spotted some Martin nests built into the rock face. At the reedbeds a Water Rail scurried across the water, and a flock of Long-tailed Tits danced joyfully through the trees with tinkling calls.

Next we moved inland, calling at a farm where Crested Larks were plentiful and co-operated well for the photographers. After lunch we continued to explore the local area, and driving through a village we were pleased to find some Siskin and Tree Sparrows in the gardens, then a Syrian Woodpecker called and flew across to pose on a metal post.

Crested Lark


Syrian Woodpecker

By the roadside, Tim called a covey of Grey Partridges , which quickly disappeared when the vehicle stopped. At a windy ridge, where we found a flock of Calandra Lark foraging in the muddy fields, together with a flock of bouncy Linnets over, and another stunning male Hen Harrier. I’ve never seen so many of these beautiful birds! 

The birding was hard work today and slow at times, but we ended the day with a decent tally and had enjoyed some spectacular scenery along the way.


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