Sunday 4th February: Riverine woodlands and Atanasousko Lake

 Today we departed from our accommodation by the coast to transfer to the wetland areas around Bourgas. We made several stops en route, starting at an area of riverine woodland at the Albena Spa by the Kamchia River, where we took a short walk along the trail, obtaining excellent views of Middle Spotted Woodpecker and Short-toed Treecreeper. An unexpected addition here was a Great White Egret which suddenly appeared flying through the trees and out of sight.

Middle-spotted Woodpecker

We continued our journey, pausing en route for a passing raptor, a Black Kite. A short distance further on we found another pair, feeding on the ground, with a small flock of Whooper Swans foraging in the grassy field behind. A pair of Raven also put in an appearance, making it a very worthwhile pause in our travels.

Our next stop was at an area of open woodland, seeking Grey-headed Woodpecker, but without success. A Goldcrest and Nuthatch were our only additions here. Continuing our journey through the Balkan Range,  a Great Grey Shrike was sat in a roadside bush, showing well before it flew into the distance. Dimiter then spotted a grassy, sloping field full of Fieldfare, and after stopping the bus, a single Redwing was found amongst them. A Great Spotted Woodpecker appeared in a nearby tree, then a pair of Sombre Tit were located, and we spent some time following one as it moved amongst the bushes, showing well at times.

Our last stop of the day was at Atanosousko Lake, where the light was already low as we arrived. Even so the scene before us was a riot of birds, with Flamingoes head down, scooping the water. Shelduck, Gadwall, Pintail and Mallard were all here, and a nice variety of waders too including Dunlin, Avocet, and Curlew. Pallas Gull was a highlight, alongside the more regular species, whilst White Wagtail, Reed Bunting and Starling provided a supporting cast. Nicky managed to spot a Kingfisher, just visible in the gloom, providing a rather lovely end to a pretty birdy transfer day.


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