Wednesday 7th February: Bulgaria, Quality Birding

 Our last day in Bulgaria, and we had a long transfer to Sofia airport, with a few birding stops along the way, together with some unscheduled diversions to avoid protesting farmers blockading roads. In the end it was a day of quality birds rather than quantity. 

Our first raptor stop was on high hills and it was bitterly cold in a biting wind. Sadly raptors were staying hunkered down, but we did manage to locate a perched Long-legged Buzzard and a flock of Skylarks skittered across. 

We continued our journey, stopping next at some agricultural fields where Imperial Eagles had nested last year. As we approached, we spotted a huge bird sat in the tree, which flew off as we stopped the vehicle. We all piled out and scanned the area and it wasn’t long before we found a pair sat in another tree, showing very well and giving us all fantastic scope views.

Imperial Eagles

In the copse here we also found both Syrian and Green Woodpecker and a Green Sandpiper was heard calling. Driving on, we were soon pausing again as Dimiter called a Goshawk flying overhead, a superb bird to finish our tally for the week.

We arrived at Sofia in good time and finished our visit with an excellent meal close to the airport before saying goodbye to Dimiter and heading for home. Although the birding had sometimes been hard work it had been an enjoyable trip with good company and some great birds. We look forward to revisiting in May.


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