13th March 2024: Woods Mill at lunchtime

 We needed to do a quick car parking recce for an upcoming SDOS walk at Tottington Woods, and as this is so close to Woods Mill we decided to drop by, in search of the Water Rail which has been reported there over recent weeks. 

Rumour had it that early morning was the time to go, and a class of small noisy children playing near the car park was not a promising sign, but we headed to the hide anyway with low expectations of success. However, we had only a short wait before the target bird appeared, wandering across the muddy area right in front of the hide, very relaxed and actively feeding just feet away from us. Magical!

Water Rail

It was very peaceful here, and we lingered for some time watching the supporting cast of tits coming and going to the feeders, and Dunnocks hopping and foraging on the ground. A gorgeous Nuthatch flew on to the feeder, causing the other birds to rapidly disperse. The pecking order in action!

A lovely male Reed Bunting in pristine breeding plumage was more cautious and pretty flighty, but unable to resist the easy pickings on offer. Eventually we tore ourselves away to head home for a rather late lunch.

Reed Bunting



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