25 th April 2024: Old Lodge and Kent birding

 We had planned a day out with Sue M, and started at Old Lodge on Ashdown Forest. A Willow Warbler was singing as we entered the reserve, and we soon found this in a tree on the top path. Woodlarks were singing too, and there were plenty of the regular tits feeding in the trees alongside the path. As we descended towards the valley, a singing Cuckoo flew past and rapidly disappeared from view. As the path climbed back up, Sue found a Redstart moving around the base of a tree, and this eventually perched on a low branch, giving a brief but clear view. Belted Galloway grazed the grassland, their cow bells ringing as they lumbered through the vegetation. A bird landed on a dead tree , but disappeared before we could get the scope onto it. We suspected a Tree Pipit, but couldn’t be sure. The Cuckoo again  flew over, this time giving much clearer views. 

From here, we drove across the border into Kent, visiting Whetsted gravel pits, where a Ferruginous Duck was reported. We had a pleasant walk across the fields, over the lock gates before reaching the pits. Viewing was quite restricted, with much of the water obscured by trees, but eventually we spotted the bird on the far side, lingering with some Pochard and Tufted Ducks. 

On our return, we sat for a rest by the lock gates, enjoying the warm sunshine and peaceful views. Linnets and Goldfinches flitted around the trees, and a Kestrel hovered overhead. As we crossed the lock, a Grey Wagtail flew over, and we could hear it singing from the far bank, searching until we managed to spot it sat on a bush above the bank.

This was certainly a beautiful spot, and somewhere we would never have visited if we hadn’t known the duckwas likely to be there, but it was great to discover somewhere new, and we really enjoyed our day out!


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