April 2024: Summer migrants

 With extensive family commitments over the Easter period and beyond, there was little opportunity for birdwatching in the early part of the month. We managed to drag mum out for an amble around Woods Mill on one day and Brooklands lake on another, but it was 13th April before our first chance to escape to the countryside for some proper birding. 

Parking at Woods Mill we set off along the mill stream, where we heard the magnificent song of the Nightingale, but failed to locate the bird. There were plenty of Blackcaps about, and several were seen, both male and females. In the roost by the Downs link cycle path, we were surprised to find a Cattle Egret roosting alongside the Herons and Little Egrets. Scanning the Levels, we found Shoveler and  Teal, but failed to locate the Garganey, despite scanning slowly across the whole flooded area. It was therefore a bit galling to see a report from Becky mid afternoon reporting her ‘lifer’ sighting of this bird! 

We had another attempt for a Garganey with Andy on 17th April at Belhus Woods, but again had no luck. However, this was a lovely setting and we enjoyed our walk, noting our first Common Whitethroat of the year, as well as many Chiffchaffs. A Willow Warbler was heard a couple of times, but again we couldn’t find this. Although not present in huge numbers, there was a reasonable variety of water birds around the fishponds, including geese, Tufted Duck, Shoveler and Great Crested Grebe.

Common Whitethroat


We returned to Shoreham the following morning, and took a stroll up to Lancing College where Tim was keen to visit the chapel and take some photos of the interior, which is pretty impressive. However, an added bonus was this rather splendid Peregrine Falcon perched amongst the rooftops.

Peregrine Falcon


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