Tuesday 23rd April 2024: Pulborough Brooks

 A visit to Pulborough this afternoon was very rewarding. There were a few wildfowl still present on the brooks, and from Westmead hide we noted Shelduck, Shoveler, Gadwall and a protective female Mallard with ducklings in tow. Around the margins were scything Avocets and a crested Lapwing guarding its tiny, fluffy chick attentively.

Moving on to Little Hangar hide we spotted a distant male Garganey out on the water, always a striking species, with chocolate brown hood and contrasting crescent band across its head. Moving to the Hangar viewpoint overlooking the brooks we were able to relocate the bird, a little closer now, and were pleased to be able to point it out to a another group of birders, that were about to depart without having seen it. Overhead, Swallows and Sand Martins swooped low over the water, harvesting insects, with the martins being our first for the year. 


Moving on to north brooks, we located a couple of Little Ringed Plover, another annual tick, although again quite distant. Finally,we strolled along the footpath down towards the river, where we found a wheezing Greenfinch and scratchy Whitethroat. Behind us a Cuckoo called as it flew behind the trees, but unfortunately stayed hidden from view.Nevertheless, three new ticks in the space of one afternoon made for a worthwhile outing!


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