10th June 2024: Adur riverside walk

 We took an afternoon stroll up the river towards the old cement works, in search of Common Sandpiper. We failed to find any at their favoured location, although possibly the tide was a bit too high still when we arrived.

The river was generally quiet, with around a dozen Mute Swans noted drifting in a small flotilla. A couple of Little Egret were quite mobile around the muddy banks and a few Mallard dabbled in the river. In the hedgerows we found a Chiffchaff singing and briefly a Blackcap over the path.

Approaching the road bridge, Chris ran past and stopped to point out a few Bee Orchids in the rough grass beside the path. By the toll bridge, there was a colourful display of wild flowers, making for a pleasant afternoon walk.

Bee Orchid


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