Monday 3rd June 2024: Sussex Cirl Bunting!!

 We were thrilled to discover today news of a Cirl Bunting at Mile Oak, Portslade,  just a few miles from home. Although we had seen one earlier in the year, at Labrador Bay, this was the first in Sussex since 1996, and the first in the Shoreham district since 1981, so a source of great local excitement. Historically they were regular breeders on the downs, until farming practices changed.

When we arrived the bird had just flown, but after a 20 minute wait it returned to its favourite tree, close to the gate where we were standing, and sat on the top singing its  heart out. A great local bird, and also nice to catch up with some local birders and other Sdos members. Also, conveniently situated next to the local farm shop and cafe, so we celebrated this brilliant bird with a slap up breakfast in mid-afternoon and some delicious cherries to bring home!

Cirl Bunting


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