Tuesday 4th June 2024: Blackdown

 We joined an Sdos walk led by Bernie this morning at Blackdown, near Midhurst. It was overcast, but generally fairly mild. Alongside the birds,  this site has some fantastic views, making for a lovely walk. Initially the birds were keeping low, although there was plenty of birdsong to keep us entertained. A pair of Stock Dove flew over, and there were lots of Stonechats across the common, often perching quite high on the scattered trees. Linnets and Whitethroats were also plentiful, and Coal Tit and Siskin were present in the conifers. Dartford Warblers were heard but we didn’t manage to spot one. 

The fluty, descending song of the Willow Warbler caught our attention, and it was soon found singing from a low branch by the path. We also enjoyed watching a family of Marsh Tits, with adults feeding young with wide yellow gapes and fluttering ‘feed me’ wings. Nearby a Garden Warbler flitted at the top of a willow tree. Next we found a couple of silhouetted birds in a dead tree, which to everyone’s delight, were revealed as a female and juvenile Crossbill once viewed through the scope.


Moving on a Woodlark showed well at the top of a tree, Bernie pointing out the ‘alula’, visible in the scope. 


We finished with a short watch over the valley, but raptors were quiet, with just a few common Buzzards seen.


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