Wednesday 19th June 2024: New Forest

We were leading an Sdos outing to Acres Down in the New Forest today, taking a group of fourteen members on a minibus. The birds were not at their most co-operative, but nevertheless we had an enjoyable day. in a beautiful, peaceful setting.

 A couple of Redstarts were seen soon after we arrived, flitting between the trees and bracken, and flashing their red tail distinctively. Several Stonechat showed well throughout the morning, and we also had good views of Meadow Pipits carrying caterpillars, so presumably feeding young. We picnicked overlooking the trees on the ridge here, and a Wood Lark flew over, singing beautifully as it dropped down into the vegetation. A probable Tree Pipit was also seen. Sadly, there was no sign of any Goshawk or Honey Buzzard, but we had plenty of Common Buzzard and Tony had a Sparrowhawk in the scope. 

After lunch we took a stroll through the wooded track, where Robins and Blackbirds were active, and a Song Thrush hopped along the lawn. Ian also had a Mistle Thrush. A Nuthatch was heard calling but stayed out of sight and Alan spotted a Coal Tit.

Despite the slow birding, it was a gloriously warm day and the scenery was beautiful, with excellent company, making for an enjoyable and relaxing day. 



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