Wednesday 24th July: Honey Buzzards at Woolbeding Common

 This was a sociable event, meeting with Bernie and Steve at the car park, and taking Sue and Clive in our car. We had barely got settled when a couple of birds drifted over the forest, and Bernie quickly confirmed they were Honey Buzzards. We were able to watch them for several minutes and were delighted to observe their impressive display flight with frequent overhead wing clapping. It was fabulous.

We spent the morning here relaxing and chatting in the sunshine, scanning the skies. I had somehow managed to forget my binoculars, so was disappointed not to get decent views of a juvenile Goshawk which drifted across the valley, and I was unable to pick up in my scope. There were several appearances of Common Buzzard,  and Raven and Red Kite were also seen over the valley. After a short time we again picked up Honey Buzzards interacting as they circled over the trees climbing high into the clouds,  finding a minimum of five birds, and observing another superb wing clapping performance.

Apart from the raptors, it was very quiet on the Heath, with the songs and calls of Chiffchaff, Yellowhammer and Bullfinch heard, but only the Yellowhammer put in an appearance. 

After an early picnic, and with temperatures climbing we decided to depart, having had the best views ever of these fabulous raptors.

We called into Benbow Ponds on our way home, where a dodgy Black Swan was my first clear sighting of the year, just exposing a glimpse of white wing as it preened.

Black Swan


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